Now Enrolling for this current school year and 2024/2025 school year K4 - 8th Grade

Weatherization Application

*Indicates a required field

Best time to call?

Best time to call?

List your contact person (If we are not able to reach you!)

Are you related to an employee, committee member or board member of La Casa De Esperanza?

Which best describes your home?

Do you own your home?

If you rent your home, please provide information about your landlord.

Is your heat included in your rent?

Enter your Legal Guardian or Power of Attorney Information (if applicable to you).

Select Your legal representative:

Answer questions below about your home to determine your dwelling unit eligibility!

Have you ever applied for Energy Assistance for the current heating season at your current address?

Is your home currently under any construction or remodeling?

Is your home currently for sale?

If you own your home, does your home need other critical repairs for which you would like to request other program information for?

Has this home received weatherization services before?